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Showing posts with label St. francis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. francis. Show all posts

Random Kindness :)

My digital diary/blog is where I journal. From artwork journeys and happy highs that I publish, to emotional oubliettes - unpublished. Writing helps me gain clarity, just by putting into words where my heart and head are at.

Happy moments are many, most of them very simple, small, like sparklers, to make me smile.
(Hummingbirds are my metaphors for this.)

Here is one from last night: 
I went to Michaels for art supplies about 7 pm. 
The Michaels cashier was super nice and gave me extra coupons when I told her the art materials were for a show this Nov.

On the way home I had a weird craving for an Icy - frozen blue syrup. I Almost never get these, but stopped by the AmPm.
Had my big insulated mug to use for it. The place was almost empty. I asked how much the frozen drinks were. The cashier said they were kind of expensive, just raised the prices. I asked if I could fill my mug, he said sure. It was about the size of a large. 

I filled it with the blue raspberry, my favorite. He called out the price, which I would have paid. When I finally filled it and got to the register he said the young man standing next to him had paid for it!  What?! Really? Open mouth in surprise.

The young man said, “it’s on me” with a kind smile. Wow, Thanks I blurted. I was so tired, bad frizzy hair, no make-up, very paint-scruffy, yet happy. 
We walked out and I said thank you a couple more times. He smiled, said “enjoy”, got in his Jeep and left. I got in my car humming “what a wonderful world”.

Two acts of random kindness from strangers :) I am so very grateful and will pay it forward at the next opportunity. Having done this with my cookies, I know how good it feels :)

Thank you for the Blue Raspberry Icy treat, whoever you are. It was a super nice, total surprise 🌺🌺

St.Francis in Texas painting progress

I have my basic color scheme and am ready to paint.
A baby owl is tucked in the branches above Sassy's perch!
Yesterday I had fun buying paints, playing with colors.

Time for glass buying!

Well Hello There!

Hello out there! Seems like time is flying by way too fast. Lately I average about 5 hours of sleep, but feel pretty good. Must be because I am so excited about my new cookie store MoonLight Cookie Art, the new article of my work in Tucson Lifestyle this May - the BEST birthday present ever - and planning for a nice road trip.
The article in Tucson Lifestyle lists this blog site here instead of my main website due to a slight mix up, so here is a flyer with my main web address and work samples - I will post a few times over next month.

Click to enlarge full size
Still working on a mosaic that I love and will have finished in a week. Also now that Easter is over Mother's Day is coming up and I will have to set cutoffs for orders for cookies. I was swamped for Easter - this time I will have more control. Also working on a small mural project that, is due at the end of this month! But I wouldn't have it any other way - I love working in different media and ideas always flow!

Peace and Love to All

Forgive me readers - it's been weeks since my last post with all of the recent activity. St. Francis is popular with pet lovers and in this commission he is accompanied by: two Jack Russell Terriers, one lab, one beagle, one bunny, two meadow larks, one roadrunner, and one quail - whew! Plus his usual bird friends.
It took a while with all the detail and dog research but really like the piece. Still need to retouch it (take out the glare), but had to share!

Heart Break

A new and much improved picture of my Diana Gabaldon piece. It is a quotation from Dragonfly in Amber from the Outlander series. Went to her lecture and she signed this piece! She is pretty cool and a savvy business woman.
Plus a picture of another finished commission of St. Francis and client doggie - Wilson the Westi. 8" x 10" reverse glass painting.

St. Francis Mosaic & Mosaic book

This is a special commission done with a little kitty and an owl - so cute! It has an amethyst stone, turquoise, beads etc. The painting is very detailed and I loved doing it. Also the work in progress of another mosaic booklet. I wish I had remembered to take pics from the beginning! At this stage the tempered glass is being added. Then I will grout, using two colors this time. It is part of a series I call Fragil, focusing on endangered species. This is a desert Gila Monster.

St. Francis and Risa mini Paintings Mosaics

Wow! The day after Thanksgiving. Feels like any other day and it's back to work. Had a lovely dinner and ate Waay too much. Had highly nutritious coffee and apple pie for breakfast - mmm! those leftovers are tasty!
Starting new reverse glass paintings and pieces - they are small and pretty cute.All of the mini mosaics have gems, stones, beads, glass and often mirror. Size range is 7 - 12 inches. 
Never tire of St. Francis, wildlife & Risa subjects. Risa Star Gazer will be used for some holiday cards and gifts.  As you can tell,  I like Starry Nights and Risa will be gazing up at the brightest star of Christmas.
Hope there are those out there that are reading - leave comments :~)  I know I should work Facebook page, but no time! Will get on there shortly and put something  up!