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Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Tiny Rufous Hummingbird Painting

More miniature paintings, studies of favorite subjects. This tiny Rufous Hummingbird is migratory.
I like using metallics, especially gold in my paintings and artwork. All of my glass paintings have touches of gold.

Rufous Hummingbird Gem - SueBetanzos.com

I have used gold paint, rather than leaf for years. It looks beautiful without the mess of applying leaf. However, I'll be placing an order of gold leaf with LA GOLD this year and play with it.

Golden brand of acrylic paints is my favorite gold paint. I have tried several metallic paints, and so far prefer this one for bright, opaque consistent gold. It does not require shaking to mix.

Lately, the trend I have seen is using gold leaf. Many artists are using it in their paintings. The term for using metal leaf on glass is Verre' Eglomise'.  French for gilding on glass. I found more artists in the UK and Europe using this method than in the USA.

Plenty of sign painters, but not much fine art. In the UK however, I follow several fine artists that use glass gilding as a fine art. A trip across the pond is in the planning, saving to visit the artists whose work inspires me!

Get Inspired!

When I'm stuck, tired or burned out, I tend to go to my sketchbooks and do small studies. It keeps me creating art in a non-pressure mindset.

They start out as doodles or light studies of a favorite subject. From there, they usually grow into detailed little paintings, drawings. Possibilities for future artworks in one of my mediums (glass painting, glass mosaics, colored pencil, acrylic).

Tiny Verdin on Cactus - SueBetanzos.com
I love songbirds, hummingbirds, birds. They are so full of life, lively. Actually, I love animals :) but find myself drawn to bird subjects these past few years.

Working in a series, exploring a theme, subject, style, medium is how art develops for me. My Gemini personality really shows in my ability to multi task in several mediums, enjoying the process of each one.
Example - diving into glass mosaics for a project, then acrylics for preliminary studies is effortless for me and many artists I know.

The only medium that require a day of mindset prep is going from painting traditionally to painting in reverse on the glass. It takes a day or so of practice for a few hours to rethink how I paint, front to back, backwards on the glass!

Little Visitor Reverse Glass Painting

Reverse glass painting of a Verdin in a Mexican Bird of Paradise for my solo show Wild Reflections this November.
11" x 14" painted on the backside of the glass, backwards, using glass enamel paints.

Hints of gold softly gleam in the painting, just enough to add magic and interest when viewed in certain light angles.

This tiny bird is one of my favorites along with hummingbirds. Verdin are often hidden in dense shrubs and trees, but you can hear their calls. They are a soft warm grey with rust shoulder spots. The males have yellow heads which are brighter in the spring breeding season. (They are about the size of the Lucy's Warblers for you bird enthusiasts out there).
Can you tell I enjoy bird watching?

Somehow, I will finish this painting in time for the Oct. 31 installation at the Kirk-Bear Canyon Library. Just one week to go - at the finish line!

Little Visitor reverse glass painting by Sue Betanzos.com

Sing Your Song

New collection of painting with song birds and nature themes.

Paired with the birds will be a selection of copyright free quotes, words, proverbs. 

As a lifetime collector of books, words, literature, quotes and proverbs, this is a project I've really been wanting to do.

Let's see how much I can get done!! 

I Love the days that always start with the singing of birds. 

The meadowlark is known for it's beautiful song.

Song birds sing for identity, territory, mating.
Lucky us that can listen to their song!

Tohono Chul Exhibit

Last night was the artist reception for the Tohono Chul exhibits Piece by Piece mosaics and Dia de los Muertos. As usual, it was very well attended with crowds of viewers jostling to view the artwork.
Tohono is one of my favorite nature oasis in Tucson and I always feel fortunate and privileged when my work is selected to participate in an exhibit.
Ran into several friends and met wonderful art lovers and artists.
Sold the Heart Song, yellow warbler and hope for another sale before the show ends October 20th.  I think the fact that Heart Song was featured on the Tohono web banner for the show helped :)

Well Hello There!

Hello out there! Seems like time is flying by way too fast. Lately I average about 5 hours of sleep, but feel pretty good. Must be because I am so excited about my new cookie store MoonLight Cookie Art, the new article of my work in Tucson Lifestyle this May - the BEST birthday present ever - and planning for a nice road trip.
The article in Tucson Lifestyle lists this blog site here instead of my main website due to a slight mix up, so here is a flyer with my main web address and work samples - I will post a few times over next month.

Click to enlarge full size
Still working on a mosaic that I love and will have finished in a week. Also now that Easter is over Mother's Day is coming up and I will have to set cutoffs for orders for cookies. I was swamped for Easter - this time I will have more control. Also working on a small mural project that, is due at the end of this month! But I wouldn't have it any other way - I love working in different media and ideas always flow!

Jewels of Nature

A couple of little gems for an upcoming show on hummingbirds at Tohono Chul Park. They are fine art contemporary wildlife paintings - my favorite!
At 2 3/4" x 6 3/4" for the green and 4" x6" for the violet, they will need custom matts.
With all of the fires raging in Arizona I just know the wildlife as well as people are struggling. My heart goes out to them! Sending vibes of love, hope and courage their way!

Sweet Risa Mosaics

I am reposting this favorite series because I am starting a couple of new pieces. I immersed myself in mosaic sites to get jazzed about doing a new more 3-D piece involving paper clay or foam. I also am starting a couple of portraits of my Best Girl Risa. She is having a few health issues that come with being 11. It's so hard to watch our companions age. So I am doing what I have been Meaning to do for years - her portraits. I have designed them several times already - well now I'm doing them.

Hawk Dreams Sold

Well I just have to say it. When a favorite piece sells I wonder if I should have sold it and then tell myself to stop being so ridiculous. After all, that is my business and I should not get so attached to my work. I think as artists, we all have certain pieces that we fall in love with and hang onto for a while.
This piece held a special place in my heart and I was glad it found a good home. It's one of those pieces where everything felt so right and it was a pleasure to gaze on it every day.
Reverse glass painting mosaic with stones & mirror.
Red Tailed Hawk 10"x 27"