Wishing Everyone A Safe Wonderful Independence Day
Fireworks, great food, friends and family - that's how many will be celebrating our Independence Day. I hope it will also be a time to be truly grateful that we live in a country that gives us so much freedom to realize our dreams.
People from many countries still have the perspective that if they can only get to this wonderful country their fortunes will be made. Depending on where they are coming from, that could be true because the things we take for granted like running water, electricity, sewers, paved roads - these are luxuries in some parts of the world. The freedom to travel wherever we want without having to get on a wait list to leave our own country, or how almost everyone has their own car.
So many things, large and small that one can really appreciate if given the opportunity to travel outside our great nation.
Enjoy, reflect, and do a lot of Oooohs and Aaahs as blue, green, red, purple, and gold sparklies rain from the skies with big crackling booms and pops.
*****Oh, please, please keep your pets secured and safe during the evening celebrations since the fireworks freak out almost every dog, cat, horse. ****