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Showing posts with label pet portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet portrait. Show all posts

St. Francis Pet Portrait Reverse Glass Painting

New custom pet portrait reverse glass painting in the St. Francis series, finished! I love painting these colorful highly detailed glass paintings. This is St. Francis in Fair Oaks.

Each reverse glass painting in the St. Francis series is painted backwards, in reverse, with richly colored glass enamel paints. Gold and silver metallic highlight swirling stars, whiskers, leaves and more for a soft magical feel.

All of the paintings in this series are commissions with loved companions and animals. Regional flora and fauna are part of the paintings. They are personal custom mementos created especially for each client.

In this most recent painting Snuggles, Buggles, Mocha and Pepper are with St. Francis and friends in a magical forest on a starry night.
Snuggles is hanging out in the tree, Mocha is cuddled in St. Francis arms and kitty Buggles with Pepper are resting at St. Francis feet.

Squirrels, an owl, raccoon, deer, tiny bluebird, bright cardinal with nest, poppies and wild chickens are all part of the charm of this painting.

Below are progress photos, starting with the finished painting.
What a pleasure it is to paint these very personal portraits. St. Francis is an iconic figure who is also one of the original environmentalists!

St. Francis in Fair Oaks, 11" x 14" reverse glass painting,  SueBetanzos.com

St. Francis reverse glass painting. BACK side with one layer of sky painted in.

St. Francis reverse glass painting. FRONT side with one layer of sky painted in.

St. Francis reverse glass painting. FRONT side detail of Buggles and Pepper.

St. Francis reverse glass painting. BACK side detail. Second sky layer.

St. Francis reverse glass painting detail. BACK side. Second layer of leaves.

St. Francis reverse glass painting. FRONT side - Detail of Mocha.

St. Francis reverse glass painting. FRONT side in progress.

St. Francis and Friends is Coming into Being

Almost New Year's Eve!
This St. Francis painting on glass is in the last stages of completion. Bottom darker colors and star trails are left to add before the final stage - the sky. Once layers of the sky are started, there are no corrections. Actually, at this advanced stage of the painting, corrections are not possible because of the 5 - 6 layers of paint for each leaf, animal, branch has been painted many times for depth.

St. Francis painting on glass from the front, before the bottom and sky added.

St. Francis painting on glass from the back. Additional foliage depth has been added.

St. Francis glass painting from the back showing the translucency of the layers in areas. 

The blue paper is inserted behind the painting frequently to evaluate details. It is an important sky preview of darker blue to evaluate light and dark areas, elements (values).

The dogwood flowers are not white, but a light blue to be secondary to the dogs and cats in importance. The white against the blue would have made them come forward too much.
Composition concepts apply to all my paintings: rule of thirds, values, hue, intensity, tone, overall balance.

St. Francis painting on glass, almost finished. Blue paper behind to preview details.
Stay tuned for the last, finishing stages! Then off to the photographer for the professional photos :)

St. Francis Pet Painting on Glass

More progress on this latest St. Francis pet painting.
Working on tree leaves and grass now, but wanted to share a study of Gus.
Painting backwards is a different rhythm than traditional painting.

I thought Gus would make a good warm up and did it on a scrap of glass. Since no two paintings are alike, the details might vary slightly on the large painting.

Blue paper is used behind the glass to get a feel for placement and variety of the details. Front and back views. 

The composition is flipped, so when the painting is finished, the view will be a mirror.
I have already asked the photographer Wilson Graham, who has done all the photos for my glass paintings, to reserve time for the photo shoot of the finished painting. 
Glass is tricky to photograph, especially these glass paintings with the gold and silver highlights.

It is gorgeous here in Tucson, looking from my studio window and I try to get out for a break at least once a day. Crystal blue skies, cool weather and a ton of activities every weekend for those that get out and about. I like my cozy studio just fine :)





St.Francis in Texas painting progress

I have my basic color scheme and am ready to paint.
A baby owl is tucked in the branches above Sassy's perch!
Yesterday I had fun buying paints, playing with colors.

Time for glass buying!

I See You Dog Portrait, Graphite

This Aussie dog portrait is almost finished. I love working in graphite pencils on a favorite dog breed, the Australian Shepherd.

This girlie's eyes say "I see you, you are loved" to me :) It is the message that shines from our companion's eyes whenever they look at us.

The Faber Castell 9000 pencils are awesome and I'll finish the darkest areas soon for contrast.

St. Francis Love

St. Francis pet portrait paintings always get a lot of love. Whimsical, cheerful, full of details and color.  St. Francis pet portraits are very personal keepsakes of happy memories with our beloved furry companions.

Visit my Art Of Sue Etsy shop HERE  for St. Francis commissions and prints.

St. Francis and Kitties has been featured in Etsy's Catholic art collection Polyvore religious art, Pinterest, Facebook and more.  Here is this week's featured St. Francis pet portrait image: (sorry about the big watermark.)

St. Francis and Kitties pet portrait. Art Of Sue for commissions and prints.

St. Francis Of Assisi, The Original Environmentalist

Happy Earth Day!

St. Francis of Assisi was speaking of the love and importance of the natural world long before the word Environmentalist.

May the love of the natural world bring harmony and peace to all in the spirit of St. Francis. A person who acknowledged the importance of every twig, bird, life, the wind and this beautiful place we call Earth!

St. Francis and Friends. Prints of St. Francis at Art Of Sue
In case you haven't read this lovely poem prayer, here you go, The Prayer of St. Francis.
(no religious message intentions, just some good old fashioned advice on kindness, which this world could use right about now).

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal live.

As most of of you know, I work in two different styles; realistic and whimsical. The St. Francis collection is my whimsical side and prints of these are found in my Etsy shop. Cheerful, happy, colorful art to brighten any animal and dog lover's space.

Great Pyrenees Dog Portrait

Finished! This Great Pyrenees original dog portrait painting is for Big Fluffy Dog Rescue. It was commissioned by a passionate dog and animal lover who adopted sibling 'Pyrs' from this rescue. Wonderful companions - her babies :) Many heartfelt thank you's from Big Fluffy Dog Rescue and all the sweet dogs it will help as they wait for their forever home. All are fostered with lovely people.

I also sent a fluffy dog print of Australian Shepherd 'Risa Belly Rubs along with it '. Hope it raises the maximum for your wonderful rescue. Best wishes with your art auction!

Great Pyrenees original dog portrait painting. 8x10" acrylic on canvas. Artist: Sue Betanzos.com

Rescue Dog Portrait

In progress, almost finished!
8"x10" acrylic on canvas for a rescue site.
I love painting and drawing our furry canine companions :)
Can you guess what breed?

Happy St. Francis Collectors

Happy collectors of the very special St. Francis series.
They make my heart glow with their personal stories :)

The best part is the lovely people I have met and collaborated with. I am continually humbled that they have selected me to honor the memories of their beloved furry companions.

"It's incredible!!! Wow!!!! My parents LOVE Thank you, again!!!!"

"It brought them both to tears! I would love to definitely keep in touch and support! ... I feel connected to you and your art. Thank you again, Sue!"

Hours of research go into designing each painting to include many tiny details.
The paintings invite repeated viewings as more is discovered. I learn so much about the area, the flora and fauna so that each painting is meaningful, personal.
Each commissioned portrait comes with a certificate of authenticity and a digital print of the artwork. Sometimes even bookmarks  :)  

Linus, Dog Pencil Portrait

The Linus dog pencil portrait is part of a series of pet portraits and our connection to our pet companions.
That saying "pets enrich our lives" is an understatement. For many our companions are family members and our relationships with them are priceless.

*The impulse addition of my reading/working glasses was a visual pun that worked out, enhancing the original drawing.

Linus is a young Australian Shepherd that loves to be involved in every aspect of his family's life. Sometimes he can be relaxed enough to hang out with a good book!
His portrait was such a pleasure to draw and I thank the owners for loaning me the reference photo. The graphite drawing will be used for notecards and a personal newsletter.

Derwent and Faber Castell pencils were used on Stonehenge paper. I liked that the paper had just enough texture (tooth) to really do some nice layers. The thickness (weight) of the paper is great for pencils and even some light painting (not too wet).

Usually I like to start with the eye of the subject - it's the soul of the painting. Whiskers were added last with a very fine liner and gouache. Then I toned and refined the whiskers with a very sharp HB pencil.

Audio book I listened to: Downpour, by Kat Richardson. Urban Paranormal mystery. Pretty cool.

Linus Reading Glasses, 8"x11" pet portrait in pencil - original available 

The Eye - 

Big Kitty

On the easel, Big Kitty. A very lovable sweet senior companion who literally came with the farm house. His crooked little paw (from an earlier injury) did not hinder him and his favorite toy was bailing string :)  Love the senior companions.

Hello Goldie

This is Still in progress. It seems like it's taking forever to finish just because something always comes up and it's been through a few revisions.
There is always one piece that is a struggle to get right for most artists. The problem child :)

Latest and Last version!

Two Paws

Two paws, blue outline

Best Friends Lucky and Mishka

Portrait of Lucky dog and his friend Mishka are at the framers and will hang in the living room in time for Christmas to greet family and visitors.

 At 10 Lucky is so frisky, playful. Mishka will me-ow so sweetly at the sound of her name - really charming.  Lucky got a make over, taking out the white/grey. Mishka's pose was changed so she could face the viewer. See Lucky and Mishka today at the end of this post. They are the sweetest of companions.

Lucky & Mishka - 18x24" Acrylic 

Original pose and color reference photo (cropped for layout in Photoshop). 

Mishka reference
Younger Lucky, reference photo

Lucky today (I love this picture!)

Lucky Boy :) What a smile!

Mishka - favorite spot, keeping an eye on the front yard.

Ghost Dog

When paintings & mosaics are in the ugly duckling stages that is one of the comments made; "it'll be nice to see the ghosts filled in". Usually dog, cat, bird etc.
Painting from back to front, the layers are added on top then progressively glazed to bring forward or push back areas.

So here are a couple of pics of a current portrait in progress.
Companions Lucky the dog and Mishka the kitty.

Risa, Mi Amiga Para Siempre

Risa, my Forever Friend, Australian Shepherd.  Pet Portrait for Day Of The Dead Design 2014, Dogtoberfest for Handi-dogs event.

In progress.  Still needs some tweaking.

It's Dogtoberfest 2014

Fall is here with all the crazy activities jammed together in three short months. 90 days or so of lots of choices, so little time - Tucson style.

My booth at this year's Dogtoberfest is sponsored by diMosaico and will have animal and pet related artwork, demonstrration of mosaic, and a drawing for an art print and mosaic class.

Dogtoberfest is at the beginning of the activities whirl and well worth attending. If you're like most folks, we love to watch the parade of people and their pets in all sizes, shapes and colors. 
There are many fun dog activities if you choose to bring your Well Mannered Leashed K9 companion.

However, if you want to cruise and look - there are costumed doggies, activities, food, live music, and booths with lots of fun items.

Midnight Inspiration

Risa - Wise Companion, Loyal Friend, Keeper Of My Heart.
Acrylic on Canson Illustration Board.

Could not sleep with storm brewing that made Risa very anxious. So used some of my scraps for mini artworks called ATC or Artist Trading Cards.