Welcome, Bienvenidos!

Lucky & Mishka Home

Framed and at home over the mantel, Lucky and Mishka  give a friendly greeting to holiday visitors. A 'hooty' hello :)

Best Friends Lucky and Mishka

Portrait of Lucky dog and his friend Mishka are at the framers and will hang in the living room in time for Christmas to greet family and visitors.

 At 10 Lucky is so frisky, playful. Mishka will me-ow so sweetly at the sound of her name - really charming.  Lucky got a make over, taking out the white/grey. Mishka's pose was changed so she could face the viewer. See Lucky and Mishka today at the end of this post. They are the sweetest of companions.

Lucky & Mishka - 18x24" Acrylic 

Original pose and color reference photo (cropped for layout in Photoshop). 

Mishka reference
Younger Lucky, reference photo

Lucky today (I love this picture!)

Lucky Boy :) What a smile!

Mishka - favorite spot, keeping an eye on the front yard.

Ghost Dog

When paintings & mosaics are in the ugly duckling stages that is one of the comments made; "it'll be nice to see the ghosts filled in". Usually dog, cat, bird etc.
Painting from back to front, the layers are added on top then progressively glazed to bring forward or push back areas.

So here are a couple of pics of a current portrait in progress.
Companions Lucky the dog and Mishka the kitty.

Tucson Airport Mural Repair - Finished

Back at the Tucson International Airport for the repair/replacement of a stolen scorpion.
A new creepy bug is in place. Here's the progress of that.  It was nice to see them again with a fresh eye and appreciate their uniqueness. Plus I got nicer photos of the other mosaic murals.
Here are the murals on the west end, welcome lounge B.

Area prepped.

Bug is attached to piece of stained glass. Epoxy ready to apply to the back (Gorilla 2 part epoxy).

Piece is attached. Paper pad added to the front to prevent sticking & add pressure in the center for even distribution. Little stones added to the bottom side for stability and decorative appeal.

Waiting for epoxy to set. Killing time at the airport... tick, tock...

Fast forward 1 hour. Ready to grout.

Taped and grouted with same black grout. It will probably not match exactly due to previous aged grout. But it should blend.

Finished repair with new bug and decorative stones. Ringtail cat on night blooming cactus in a starry night with meteor showers. Fossils, gem stones, stained glass, reverse glass painting, mirror and Scorpion! The Ringtail Cat is Arizona's state mammal, nocturnal, super cute in person.

Men's side with the repair. Tiny bat that I wish I had painted a mural background. He looks lonely over the water fountain!

Both mosaic murals at the west end of the baggage level. On the left and the right as people come down the stairs to collect baggage at welcome lounge B.

The women's mosaic mural at the west end baggage level. The center of that Agave is a large amethyst crystal and there are lots of little details such as fossils, gem stones, mirror, stained glass, hummingbird glass painting above, bugs, the real feather suspended under glass.

Mural Repair at the airport

Did I mention one of the murals at Tucson International Airport was vandalized? Someone stole the scorpion (pried it off) the mural at the west end. It will be replaced this Monday with a new creepy bug.
Why would someone do that when they can go to Amazon or ebay and get one? Who knows. This one will have a different adhesive, see how long it lasts.
Oh, this bug was "farm raised" - picture that!

New scorpion replacement

Damage, missing bug.

Mural Before damage. 

St. Francis with Wildlife

I read all the time how post titles are supposed to have catchy lead titles to lure readers in, but no fluff here :)
Just a new little reverse glass painting of St. Francis of Assisi who travels (why not?) and hangs out with different animals, loved companions.
Here he is in a magical garden with a mexican wolf, quail, tortoise, hare and three tiny mice! Plus he decided to wear the hood for a slightly different look. The finished glass painting will be inserted into a wood frame that can be used as a scarf, coat, leash hanger.

More pics soon!

The back side of the glass that is being painted onto in reverse.

The front side of the glass that is viewed. 

Day Of The Dead Celebration

Nov. 1 & 2 are the official Days Of the Dead, a big celebration of life, remembering our loved ones.
This year I did a small piece of my Risa and a night of face painting sugar skull designs at Tucson Botanical Gardens for their Feast Of the Dearly Departed event.

The little details are all things that are so her! Prints available - contact me sue@suebetanzos.com

Made a border for a postcard with tiny paw prints (red, white, blue).

I love face painting the sugar skull designs which can range from slower, complex designs to fast simple painting. Either way, they are fun to wear!
Body art has been around since the dawn of humans - this celebration is an opportunity to have some fun painting them.

Took this off the iMac after returning (bad lighting in my little office), before I washed it off. The smudge on the nose bridge is where my glasses sat - yes I need glasses to paint!

Beautiful Student Project!

Wow - great first project Michelle!  Turned out so pretty :)

Glass mosaic Milagro Heart from the Day Of the Dead Mosaic class I teach at diMosaico.

Risa, Mi Amiga Para Siempre

Risa, my Forever Friend, Australian Shepherd.  Pet Portrait for Day Of The Dead Design 2014, Dogtoberfest for Handi-dogs event.

In progress.  Still needs some tweaking.

Just A Little Hello

After a few revisions with my little Goldfinch design, I decided to have the Hello on it's own and do another, different Hello with my bird.
Here is a sweet Hello with a twinkle for the garden or inside.

Tucson Open Studio Tour 2014

The Open Studio Tour is November 8 - 9 and great opportunity to visit talented artists working their mojo in their studio's. Questions about mosaics? Wondering how they are made? I will be at diMosiaco demonstrating mosaic in glass and have mosaics available on display as well as reverse glass paintings.

I will also be demonstrating the technique of reverse glass painting.

It's Dogtoberfest 2014

Fall is here with all the crazy activities jammed together in three short months. 90 days or so of lots of choices, so little time - Tucson style.

My booth at this year's Dogtoberfest is sponsored by diMosaico and will have animal and pet related artwork, demonstrration of mosaic, and a drawing for an art print and mosaic class.

Dogtoberfest is at the beginning of the activities whirl and well worth attending. If you're like most folks, we love to watch the parade of people and their pets in all sizes, shapes and colors. 
There are many fun dog activities if you choose to bring your Well Mannered Leashed K9 companion.

However, if you want to cruise and look - there are costumed doggies, activities, food, live music, and booths with lots of fun items.

Studio Class Time

Students are hard at work in this mosaic class creating some Bee-U-ti-ful mosaics!
I'm teaching classes at diMosaico for this fall. Put a mosaic class on your activities planner and play with a wonderful, traditional media.
Check out the classes/events section on my website for frequent updates as classes are added.

Mark the dates: Oct. 26 DogtoberFest and Nov. 8 - 9 Tucson Open Studio Tour.
More on these events coming right up!

Hi Emalie :) - what a gorgeous butterfly!

Lovely Milagro Heart!

Mosaic Class for Garden Flowers

O.k., moving along with the mosaic garden of flowers.
These will look great as individual mini mosaic projects too.

They are four inch squares. Classes for this project are currently available with Me through Mosaic Class at diMosaico.com

I'll demonstrate a different technique for each square such as background patterns, media, application.

Glass Mosaic Flower Garden - SueBetanzos.com

Mosaic Flower Garden - SueBetanzos.com

Mosaic Class Welcome, Bienvenidos, Willkommen!

The only three languages I know and the German is rusty from no practice!

Welcome is universal when done with a smile, the beckoning hand and a lovely mosaic sign on or in the residence (apartment, condo dwellers).

Registration: Mosaic Sign Class with Sue and Carol
There is bound to be at least one admiration of "Ooooh, Pretty" along with the touching.

Create your own piece of beautiful art in this wonderful traditional media while adding beauty to your diggs, house, domicile etc. in this two day mosaic class.
**Gift someone special - or yourself this holiday.

For beginners the smaller size will finish faster.  For experienced mosaic enthusiasts, have a blast choosing handmade tiles to make your personal Welcome or house number.
Solid iron frame, 50.00 worth of handmade tiles, and glass are included in the class.

**Bring wheeled nippers, your snacks, drink and enthusiasm :)
Get Leponitt nippers online or locally. They are the quality ones you will love.

Rock on with Mosaics this holiday!

Mosaic Flower Garden Project

Here's a flower garden you can have all year! Butterflies and bright flowers will be a great project this winter after the holidays are over.
Yep, sound like I'm planning Way Ahead but trust me, fast forward to rain, snow, cozy indoor activities and hot drinks after the tinsel and paper craze has passed. How nice create something really cool on those long winter evenings.

Why mention this? Because there could be kits available for this mosaic as well as classes.

The class project at diMosaico will run for three Tuesday evenings, 6 pm - 8:45 pm.  Students are expected to work on their projects in between class meetings in order to finish their projects.
The mosaic flower squares can also be done as individual projects, perfect for a box lid.

To make the most of class time, use the colors chosen on the color flower drawing. This way glass cutting can begin, learning how to use the tools, materials.
Don't worry about creating a masterpiece right away. The purpose of the classes are to learn new skills and sharpen them through consistent practice.

If you were just learning how to play an instrument, no one would expect you to play in an orchestra concert the next week - right?  Patience and practice, practice, practice.  :)

Mosaic 9 Square Flower Garden work in progress - SueBetanzos.com

Milagro Corazon Mosaic

I've always loved this quote. Glass Mosaic 6x6" Milagro heart.
The pattern is available for the Day Of The Dead Class Oct.4 10 am - 4 pm

Milagro Corazon - Glass Mosaic by Sue Betanzos

Day Of The Dead Mosaic Class

Here we are, a fun mosaic class for all levels.  Those that have been introduced to mosaic and are familiar with the tools and materials will enjoy it as much as complete beginners.

diMosaico studio is where I'll be teaching mosaic classes in different techniques so keep checking and get on their email newsletter or my facebook and this blog where I'll announce new classes.

All materials and tools are included for this class. There will be the skull patterns below to choose from  (or combine, like I did) and a Milagro heart.

The key is to come prepared so the actual glass cutting and adhering can get going.
Come prepared by picking colors before class to make the most of your class time - i.e. "hit the ground running"   :)

Bring snacks and your drinks for your breaks!

** Copy and print the patterns below to play with colors. I love good ol' Crayola crayons (box of 64!) but use whatever works best for you.

The skull patterns that will be used for the class.

The patterns can be printed and colored.

You don't have to stick to the exact patterns. Take elements you like and make your own!

A Gila Welcome Mosaic

Custom Gila Welcome mosaic will jazz up an entry way, indoors or outdoors.
Ready to hang with a wire on the back.  Remove the wire for a more permanent installation.
At my new Etsy store - Art Of Sue.
More on the way for Dogtoberfest  in Tucson where I will be demonstrating mosaic for classes with deMosiaco. One will be Mosaic Your Pet! Come out to say hello and support a wonderful non-profit Handi-Dogs. Voted best non-profit event in Tucson :)

I'll be giving a beginner four hour micro class on September 20 at diMosaico in Tucson for those interested in trying out mosaics.

Custom mosaic -  Art Of Sue

Mosaic Gila Monster Welcome

Mosaic Gila monster in progress as part of a commission for a welcome plaque. This super cool lizard is not a monster at all. She is another of nature's fascinating works of art. Rarely seen in the wild due to urban encroachment.

Stained glass done in reverse method. It is laid out on clear contact paper, sticky side up which prevents  pieces from moving.