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Showing posts with label southwest wildlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label southwest wildlife. Show all posts

St. Francis with Wildlife

I read all the time how post titles are supposed to have catchy lead titles to lure readers in, but no fluff here :)
Just a new little reverse glass painting of St. Francis of Assisi who travels (why not?) and hangs out with different animals, loved companions.
Here he is in a magical garden with a mexican wolf, quail, tortoise, hare and three tiny mice! Plus he decided to wear the hood for a slightly different look. The finished glass painting will be inserted into a wood frame that can be used as a scarf, coat, leash hanger.

More pics soon!

The back side of the glass that is being painted onto in reverse.

The front side of the glass that is viewed. 

Mosaic Gila Monster Welcome

Mosaic Gila monster in progress as part of a commission for a welcome plaque. This super cool lizard is not a monster at all. She is another of nature's fascinating works of art. Rarely seen in the wild due to urban encroachment.

Stained glass done in reverse method. It is laid out on clear contact paper, sticky side up which prevents  pieces from moving.