Supply List Of Materials for the Kirk Bear Canyon Library Classes:
These are some of the art supplies I used to create the demo examples for the class.
Some supplies will be provided by the library.
You may prefer to use supplies you already have, and that’s perfectly fine. Your results may
be different ... and that’s fine too.
If the suggested brands are not available, feel free to substitute.
Please avoid anything labeled “student” or “academy” grade regarding paints and pencils,
which tend to be lesser quality and can be difficult to work with. For the same reason, never
buy the generic or store brand of pencils or paints (such as Artist’s Loft or Master’s Touch) sold by
Michaels and Hobby Lobby.
• HB drawing pencil
• Kneaded eraser
• Pencil sharpner ( the hand held KUM brand is good)
• Watercolor:140lb cold pressed watercolor paper, 9”x12” (Strathmore, Arches, Fabriano)
• Colored Pencil: Strathmore Bristol Vellum 9x12” pad
• 3 watercolor brushes: #1 round, #4 round, 1⁄2” chisel, #1 round ( I love the yellow nylon
“golden taklon”, Simply Simmon, and Coteman synthetic brushes, which are inexpensive
and durable and perform very well. Sometimes they are called “synthetic sable.”
• Something roomy upon which to mix your watercolors: a white palette or an old china
plate or white Styrofoam plate.
• A beginners watercolor tube set of the Royal & Langnickle which has a variety of colors at
a good value to start out. Coteman small pan set of watercolors is also nice and affordable.
• White gouache, any brand (an opaque watercolor) or FW white liquid acrylic.
• Prismacolor, Koh-I-Noor, or other Artist Quality colored pencils. Info
HERE on brands.