Welcome, Bienvenidos!

My Saguaro

My backyard isn't much to look at - a sand pit, a large rose bush, some brick, a palm.
The star of the yard is a giant Saguaro where Gila Woodpeckers nest every year. House finches and other birds like to perch at the top. They eat the saguaro flowers when in bloom and announce sunrise with sweet song.

Tall and super healthy, the Saguaro has a variety holes that have pecked out. I like to think it's the same pair of Gila Woodpeckers that nest each year. Every morning from early spring, they call to each other and start building the nest, making new holes.

Then the babies can be heard all day as the woodpeckers take turns feeding.  I've seen the male chase off other birds and a even little dust up with an aggressive Western Kingbird (the woodpecker won :) who tried to take over the site.

My saguaro with Gila Woodpecker pair.

Oh, and lately on my morning walks I've been treated to close (like, 10 feet) viewings of Coopers Hawks. So close I can see their red eyes and feather details. Of course when I stop to stare, they take off in a few seconds to nearby trees!

Gila Welcome

My series of welcome pieces. This mosaic is almost done. Face taped, ready for mounting.
The Gila art has been popular because these are such interesting creatures that are becoming rare due to urban encroachment.
The Gila Monster is a large beautiful lizard and the artwork is about life size.

As with all handmade work, each piece is unique ensuring one of a kind art. They can be custom ordered thru my website, or contact me here :)
At least one Gila artwork will be available at the Tucson Bird and Wildlife Festival Aug. 14 - 16 where I will have work at the Riverside Park Inn along with wonderful animal lectures, displays for nature lovers.

Gila Welcome mosaic in progress

Gila Welcome Mosaic, Sold

Gila Dream Mosaic, AZ BiCentennial piece, Sold

Spotted Owl Ink

Playing with ink washes on a Spotted Owl. I'm drawn the the owls with the dark eyes. North american  Barn Owls and Barred Owls also have dark eyes.

There is the Mexican Spotted Owl and the northwest Spotted Owl. Shy, secretive, beautiful birds.

India ink is Dr. Ph. Martin's Black Star Matt. Cotman round brush number 01, 02 and Micron 01 pen. 

Has this ever happened to you?

You have a project you've been working on Way too many hours, trying a new technique.
It's about 11 pm, 95% finished and you're saying to yourself "at last - I'm almost finished - Yay!"
The anticipation, excitement of seeing it completed.

Then a small big setback ...
My studio day is off to a fine start.
Funny thing is last night I was moving this project board to make more room for glass cutting - red glass to finish the border.
This morning the board was bumped and fell over - face first of course.
Cleaning up now and deciding how to make the best of this.  At least the dog glass stayed put :)
Too bad no pics were taken last night to review the "almost" and "so close" Ha ha!

Practice Shots - Bird Inks

These are "practice shots" to warm up drawing my skills. With all the spring activity I've been doing more birding to sharpen observation and memory.
Really fun and challenging plus the neighbors have bird feeders - how convenient! 
This practice ink was done from observation and photo reference. 

Brilliant yellow birds, bright rose finches and reds (cardinals & vermilion flycatchers). 

American Goldfinch
 With my binoculars I have spotted:

house finches, goldfinch (many), anna's hummingbirds, broad billed hummingbird, vermilion flycatcher, oriole (hooded), verdin, raven, dove, cooper's hawk, 1 owl, sparrow, woodpecker, phainopepla, cardinal.

Hello Goldie

This is Still in progress. It seems like it's taking forever to finish just because something always comes up and it's been through a few revisions.
There is always one piece that is a struggle to get right for most artists. The problem child :)

Latest and Last version!

Two Paws

Two paws, blue outline

Goldfinch Mosaic

New bird mosaics. A little Goldfinch (siskin) tweeting in the breeze. Some of my neighbors have feeders and I can hear their distinctive calls all day. The males have the dull winter plumage now, but in a couple of months they will start to have their bright yellow breeding colors.

Lucky & Mishka Home

Framed and at home over the mantel, Lucky and Mishka  give a friendly greeting to holiday visitors. A 'hooty' hello :)

Best Friends Lucky and Mishka

Portrait of Lucky dog and his friend Mishka are at the framers and will hang in the living room in time for Christmas to greet family and visitors.

 At 10 Lucky is so frisky, playful. Mishka will me-ow so sweetly at the sound of her name - really charming.  Lucky got a make over, taking out the white/grey. Mishka's pose was changed so she could face the viewer. See Lucky and Mishka today at the end of this post. They are the sweetest of companions.

Lucky & Mishka - 18x24" Acrylic 

Original pose and color reference photo (cropped for layout in Photoshop). 

Mishka reference
Younger Lucky, reference photo

Lucky today (I love this picture!)

Lucky Boy :) What a smile!

Mishka - favorite spot, keeping an eye on the front yard.

Ghost Dog

When paintings & mosaics are in the ugly duckling stages that is one of the comments made; "it'll be nice to see the ghosts filled in". Usually dog, cat, bird etc.
Painting from back to front, the layers are added on top then progressively glazed to bring forward or push back areas.

So here are a couple of pics of a current portrait in progress.
Companions Lucky the dog and Mishka the kitty.

Tucson Airport Mural Repair - Finished

Back at the Tucson International Airport for the repair/replacement of a stolen scorpion.
A new creepy bug is in place. Here's the progress of that.  It was nice to see them again with a fresh eye and appreciate their uniqueness. Plus I got nicer photos of the other mosaic murals.
Here are the murals on the west end, welcome lounge B.

Area prepped.

Bug is attached to piece of stained glass. Epoxy ready to apply to the back (Gorilla 2 part epoxy).

Piece is attached. Paper pad added to the front to prevent sticking & add pressure in the center for even distribution. Little stones added to the bottom side for stability and decorative appeal.

Waiting for epoxy to set. Killing time at the airport... tick, tock...

Fast forward 1 hour. Ready to grout.

Taped and grouted with same black grout. It will probably not match exactly due to previous aged grout. But it should blend.

Finished repair with new bug and decorative stones. Ringtail cat on night blooming cactus in a starry night with meteor showers. Fossils, gem stones, stained glass, reverse glass painting, mirror and Scorpion! The Ringtail Cat is Arizona's state mammal, nocturnal, super cute in person.

Men's side with the repair. Tiny bat that I wish I had painted a mural background. He looks lonely over the water fountain!

Both mosaic murals at the west end of the baggage level. On the left and the right as people come down the stairs to collect baggage at welcome lounge B.

The women's mosaic mural at the west end baggage level. The center of that Agave is a large amethyst crystal and there are lots of little details such as fossils, gem stones, mirror, stained glass, hummingbird glass painting above, bugs, the real feather suspended under glass.

Mural Repair at the airport

Did I mention one of the murals at Tucson International Airport was vandalized? Someone stole the scorpion (pried it off) the mural at the west end. It will be replaced this Monday with a new creepy bug.
Why would someone do that when they can go to Amazon or ebay and get one? Who knows. This one will have a different adhesive, see how long it lasts.
Oh, this bug was "farm raised" - picture that!

New scorpion replacement

Damage, missing bug.

Mural Before damage. 

St. Francis with Wildlife

I read all the time how post titles are supposed to have catchy lead titles to lure readers in, but no fluff here :)
Just a new little reverse glass painting of St. Francis of Assisi who travels (why not?) and hangs out with different animals, loved companions.
Here he is in a magical garden with a mexican wolf, quail, tortoise, hare and three tiny mice! Plus he decided to wear the hood for a slightly different look. The finished glass painting will be inserted into a wood frame that can be used as a scarf, coat, leash hanger.

More pics soon!

The back side of the glass that is being painted onto in reverse.

The front side of the glass that is viewed.