This is in memory of Carabobo, the sweetest kitty. She had dignity, poise and grace - a classy cat.
A sunset background with bits of green to suggest the green of her amazing eyes.
On another note - Arizona is on fire. The smoke from fires in the area have caused so much damage. My heart aches for the people and animals caught in it. Today I just heard Mrs. Green's cabin in Greer AZ was burned to the ground.
I stopped by to introduce myself again to Mrs. Green, the radio celebrity environmentalist. The buzz of activity I encountered when I arrived at Renee's Organic Oven was totally unexpected. Apparently it was a soft grand reopening of the restaurant that specializes in an organic and gluten free menu. Everyone was rushing around and I wondered for the 'inth' time how i lived in an alternate universe - unaware of the goings on. Though my work has hung in the cozy eatery, I tend to happen upon events - an unintended party crasher - again. Where is that inside loop, the 'in crowd' so I can join too?
There was an open house sampling inside the new and improved interior, another sampling outside via Yelp, and a radio show all at the same time. Kudos to Renee for pulling off the hyper busy events.
Mrs. Green graciously included me in her radio show and I got a few minutes to explain what I do and say my name and website. She's a gem and very simpatico, sincere.
Lastly, for all of those out there who have asthma, doesn't the smoke from the fires makes breathing feel like your lungs are two sizes too small?