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More postcards

These are some of the samples I have made for my Big Idea on the fabric postcards. I love the idea of sending these to our soldiers in Iraq, those who have returned and are in the VA hospitals and those who simply really need a moral boost or praise. Will be working on a proposal to submit and this is where I will look to Crafty Chica for inspiration.  
It has been suggested that I put  together kits and I need to put a very simple one together for cost purposes. O.K., time to ask others for advice. My original idea seemed pretty simple - get people together and make some cool 4' x 6" postcards. I would supply materials for one card to make and send and my fee would cover materials and my time. So now I need to par it down and put together my proposal. So it's off to Michaels & JoAnn Fabrics! These are pretty fun to make since I get to play with glitter, sequines, paint etc. I have chosen to use images from my paintings that are printed on special fabric and ironed onto 4 x 6 inch fabric.  As long as it stays about 1/8" by U S Postal standards. They do require the .44 stamp because they are different that average postcard- even though they conform in size.

Madonna del Desierto - Finished!

At last! This piece took a couple of starts to get the right feel. I wanted a wild, white rose with the little Madonna in the center. Choosing the correct glass for the white was a nice exercise and instead of cutting the glass it was broken and the shards picked out for a more random look. Mirror and iridescent glass adds sparkle for a magical touch. 
It is my belief that everything is made up of energy and therefor has spirit. It's fun to think of elves, sprites,

 fairies, etc. which is why Tolkien, Harry Potter and other fantasy genre is so appealing. Charles de Lint is wonderful at weaving urban fantasy stories where the characters are so authentic and I actually met him at the Book Festival earlier this year. Mr. De Lint other favorite authors inspire my fantasy True Blue series filled with mermaids, Madonna's, winged kitchen kitties, magical birds etc. On to my mermaid painting...

Madonna del Desierto

Little Madonna with her friends set in a wild white rose. Iridescent glass, mirror, tumbled stones, and turquoise with reverse glass painted center.  It will be cut out in the shape of the rose and leaves. Almost done - just needs the grouting and cutting! 

La Sirena

Another reverse glass painting in progress from the Sea of Cortez series. Urban fantasy is a favorite genre where reality and possibilities dwell. 
In reverse glass painting, everything is painted on the back side of the glass, from front to back - literally backwards.  A tricky technique and a challenge I enjoy, which is why I find myself returning to it often. More than my standard acrylic and illustration techniques. 
Every so often I have this dream where I am underwater, swimming effortlessly - slipstream, quicksilver graceful - seal, otter like. It feels so wonderful gliding, playing and observing life under water. Then I wake up - wondering what the hell I'm doing on dry land in bed - "oh yeah, it was just a dream..."

Summer Goals

This summer I am working extra hard to reach out, make new connections, and create new opportunities. Really get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I didn't realize how isolated I had become in my studio, even though I love my work. 
One activity I am going to do is an art fair. I have done one ages ago and it was o.k., but I did not pursue it again. Yesterday it took willpower and self discipline of a different kind to make the calls and ask for information about venues. My biggest challenge is generating enough work to fill a booth and the storage of the finished pieces. Yet I find myself excited  when I think of the work I want to  put out there. 
Also, when I commit to big deadlines and challenges I'm forced to rise to the evolution and create something I have not done before, learn something I don't understand. I find I enjoy the thrill of discovering the process as I go. Stressful - of course! That's part of the growing process and the incredible satisfaction gained when the summit has been attained - like I want to plant my flag that says "I did it!" at the top. (picture of me in mountain climbing gear standing by my flag blowing in wind on top of mountain and Rocky music playing in background - cheesy but true!)

My Big Idea

Monday I was still thinking of the fabric postcard I had sent Friday when My Big Idea came to me and I could not wait to share it. I thought of my friend Leyla, who is in the army and has been to the desert many times. Then as I was driving past a retirement home I had this idea: Wouldn't it be great if the guys that are still over in Iraq could receive one of these little works of art from those here to let them know that they are being thought of and they are not alone. The soldiers could have these keepsakes to touch and feel good vibes. Then I knew it would be great to have an activity with a very positive outcome for retirees in the homes. It would be an activity that would be a win - win situation for all involved. Creativity with/for a cause has always been a wonderful way to stay connected and give of ourselves to others.
I was so jazzed by the concept that I stopped at three retirement homes on pure impulse and found myself almost too excited to articulate my idea. The activities director at the first home was so very gracious and patient as I stood there and blurted "I have this great idea to tell you about!" I was in my gym clothes, no make up,  yet so enthusiastic I felt like I could light up a whole stadium with energy. The director told me to "slow down, start at the beginning - who are you etc." Though her budget had just been cut, she liked the idea and gave me a referral not far from their  home and I quickly drove over and left my name and number. 
The third place I stopped at was on my way home and I simply pulled in, asked for the activities director and went to her office. This time I introduced myself before I said "I have this great idea." She graciously listened to my idea about the fabric postcards and the connection with retirees as a creative activity. This  director also liked the idea and suggested I email details and we exchanged cards. 
So now I am figuring out the middle part - the details.  (I even asked for and got a brief tour of the artwork in the building from an equally kind person who as it turned out is the partner of a well known artist in this area and that I was acquainted with - small world!)
When I  spoke to Leyla, she said it's wonderful to get 'fan mail' when you are in the desert.  She said I will be surprised at how many responses I get. (Leyla has been stationed in the desert several times). I can't wait to start this program! I get this euphoric happy high just knowing it will make a difference.
And I am sending a very big thank you to those who are so kind and gracious to a total stranger who walks thru their doors dressed in scruffy gym cloths blasting all this enthusiasm stating "I have this great idea!"
Thank you for your patience and for listening!!

Fabric Postcard

I did this little fabric postcard for a show called Wish You Were Hear and have  discovered the 'World of Fabric Postcards'. I googled it to find out more on the subject and turns out there are all these quilting/fiber artist communities and shows on this media. Who could know?! A lot of galleries that have shows exclusively on hundreds of these minature works of art.  I loved these tiny 4" X 6" fabric  fine art!! 
Thought of doing mine by printing some of my images off my ink jet printer onto this pretreated fabric, then embellishing with embroidery, beads etc. Went to a quilt store that wanted 16.00 for a 7 sheet pak of 81/2 x11, said forget it and buzzed to Walmart where I got a few sheets for 5.00 to experiment.
It was really fun to get reacquainted with my sewing machine and I will definitely do a few more to send to friends. I got a link on a how to from a blog I really enjoyed  http://debrichardson.com/blog/?p=232
that was a how to and now I think I am hooked!  Other links:  http://www.art2mail.com/faq.php, 
This first one has bling on it because I like a bit of it in all my works and also to distract from the 5 th grade sewing due to technical struggles as I kept going "oh yeah, I forgot about that part" while figuring out the machine's quirks. I have a wonderful Vintage machine that I have used for a Very Long (no years here!) time, and it was my mom's before that. 
The next one will be embellished with paint and glitter and will take 1/2 the time. My Day of the Dead painting will do nicely!


Finished a design for a little Madonna of the Desert. She is accompanied by a Cardinal, Quail, 2 magical birds, roses and poppies. Silver metallic stars float overhead. She will be the center of a white cactus flower with glass gems and mirror.
I made a few of these medallion series of reverse glass paintings to use in mixed media mosaics and explore different materials.  After these I am ready to do more wildlife paintings and have already two designs in the sketch book. The wildlife series will use more stones. Can't wait to bring them to life!  All of the ideas/designs are coming fast and furious these last few weeks. Now all I need is buyers! 

Kitchen Kitty Mosaic- Finished

The little angel kitchen kitty on a Basil leaf is done! Materials used: stained glass, mirror, glass tile, polished stones & turquoise. Kitty center is done in Reverse glass painting technique. Before grouting,  little fishy and turquoise are taped. I used 2 colors of grout. Back  finished with 2 coats of dark paint and grout is sealed.

Here is a lovely quote I found on the side of a beer bottle (go figure!), Deschutes Brewery Twilight Ale -  I love beautiful words and this expressed exactly how I feel while walking my dog Risa.  

"EXTENDED SUMMER DAYS - CHASING TWILIGHT AFTER SUNSET.  There is something magical about the time of day that falls between light and dark.  The high desert summer day fading into a warm evening with brilliant skies. Take It All In."

Kitchen Kitty Mosaic

O.k.,  I went with the green because the red was too busy. Have started to glue it down, the tedious part where I listen to a book or something. Grout will be two colors - black cherry and mallard green. (picture the space in between with colors of brownish purple and soft green). I'll cut shape out with my trusty angle head Before grouting. 
Have started another little painting on love - the connection between people and pets :~).
Here is my 'Gatito' laid out! The leaf shape is a fat basil leaf.  Nature, wildlife, words all inspire my art.

Jewelry - Tiny Paintings to Wear

Today I saw a video on YouTube that motivated me to play with a totally different technique and direction. It was on making domed resin pendant. Previously I had toyed with the thought of the glass tiles, but after watching this I now have TWO ways to put my artwork on other media. Sure there's the notecards, bookmarks, book bags, prints etc. but I confess I have always loved to experiment with jewelry making, beading etc. Why Not?! 
My glass paintings tend to be jewel like in style and color and could translate well into pendants, brooches. With a little tweaking in PhotoShop.
So here's a link to the video (turns out there were many examples) and some reverse glass paintings that could fit well in a square, round rectangle or oval. It will be like wearing mini paintings! One inch rounds or squares.
Here's a tutorial on that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krb1a3OhsS0

4th July 2009

Started out with two disastrous events. Thank god for Risa and my Art. Worked on kitchen kitty first. Then turned evening into cool mini picnic of fireworks at the park with Risa, glow necklaces, and our favorite snacks. So I was surrounded by lots of fun, happy energy. Thrilled couple of kids with gifties of glow necklaces. What they didn't know was that their happy enthusiasm was a much bigger gift to me! **Look -  Risa is glowing!   So had super 4th and hope everyone else did too! :~)

Kitchen Kittys

Still into the mixed media mosaics. Currently playing with a little series of my  illustration graphic style that started about four years ago and is a nice detour from the representational side of my work. I do all of my saints, angels and love messages in this style. Very natural and fun to embellish and play with. Fantasy, folk tales and legends are themes I love to explore. 
Here is a layout of my Kool Kitties. This is a kitchen kitty - hurray for all of us who enjoy cooking! 
Mirror, stones and reverse glass painting used in most or all of my work. Grout color will be black cherry, red or dk. brown. I have a lot of hardi backer board, so I'll use that to work on or 1/2 inch easy board. 

SueƱo del Mar

Ocean Dream or Dream of the Sea.
This is from a series of reverse glass paintings I am working on of the Sea of Cortez.  An experiment of balancing a little fantasy with reality. Sea Turtles are such charismatic, mysterious creatures and I do not get tired of exploring the undersea life in all it's colors and moods. Working on little 3 min flick of the technique but for now google wikipedia for an explanation of the technique of reverse glass painting. :~) It's featured in a lot of my work.        Click on the pic for larger viewing.
Stay tuned for another Sea of Cortez painting that includes una Sirena (mermaid).

Current books I liked

The following books  I liked and you might like too! I listen to books a  lot when I work on a piece or travel. Usually have 5 to 9 books going at any one time. Books are a big passion with me. So here's a few...

The Art Of Racing In the Rain  - audio book; bittersweet and really good.
Three Cups Of Tea - audio book; amazing story.
Blink, the Power of Thinking without Thinking  - audio book. How decisions are based/made.
Stop and Smell the Roses - favorite comics - Mutts, they make me laugh and think.
Artist to Artist: 23 major Illustrators talk to children about their Art - great read!
Breaking Dawn - yes, I am a Stephanie Myers fan and this audio book was good.
The Invention of Hugo Cabret - children's audio. I love children's books and stories. 
Dead to the world by Charlaine Harris from her Southern Vampire series. Light, entertaining, funny.