2012 is of to a great start. I am finally making my specialty cookies to order. Since the late 80's I have been making gourmet art sugar cookies for family, friends and clients as holiday gifts. The sugar cookies are made from vintage molds I have collected since the 80's.
When asked to make more my response has been " I don't have time".
This year I just kept baking in the evenings to unwind and now am looking into making them to order.
Last week I asked an aquaintence at a cafe about selling cookies and showed her some of the cookies and she Loved them and said if I want to market my very unique cookies I would first have to get "certified". O.k., so I have to get someone from the county health to come inspect my kitchen and pay a 56.00 fee - yikes!
This week I will find out more about the inspection, possibly get a checklist of what they want etc. Meanwhile cookies are still being made and posted so I have a link with photos to show. So far the cookies are being posted on my
Facebook album and this blog. Should I put them up on my website, or have a seperate site/blog ?
Let's see if this idea is worth taking further. Meanwhile the house smells like fresh cookies - Yummm!