Slip stream quick sliver sure, The Mermaid of the Sea of Cortez glides thru her forest of kelp and coral reefs. She is friend and guardian to the sea life in her home.
Folk tales of fantasy have always attracted me. Mermaids, dragons, elves and unicorns - magical beasts and beings.
I always felt that everything has a spirit. Trees, rivers, wind. The ocean must have its guardians too. La Sirena that lives in the Sea of Cortez is the color of her consorts, the garibaldi. Though her home is the kelp, she is connected to everything that happens - she can feel the happiness, pain, fear, joy of those living in her home.
This is a reverse glass painting, 16x20". There is more silver and gold than is shown in the painting. Tiny silver sardines gleam and surround her as she speaks to a butterfly angel fish.
Moon jelly fish float overhead and a ray glides off into the distance. Golden sea turtles slip through the colorful coral with their entourage of tiny yellow angelfish.
I Never get tired of looking at this painting.