Feeling pink with Valentines coming up - plus it was my granny's favorite color. This paper is from my vintage paper stash. I knew it was meant for this pair of Barn Owls. Did you know Barn Owls mate for life? More on Barn Owl facts in the next finished post.
Hoped to be done a few days ago for Valentine cards, but I can still make digital ones to send :)
Owl Love - 8x10" colored pencil on pink charcoal paper. |
Faber Castell polychromos pencils, Derwent chinese white pencil, Prismacolor Verithin pencils, pink charcoal paper, Kum pencil sharpener, sanding paper, kneaded eraser, clear magic tape, fine paper embosser (to use with the tape to lift color in tiny areas)
More on how to use some of the materials in this