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Lucky Dog Art Cookies

Lucky Dog Art Sugar Cookies
Art cookies ready for shipping to a national dog rescue charity event and Reverse glass painting at the Tohono Chul Park art reception tonight.

Sugar Cookies are comfort food in any language and almost always guaranteed to bring a smile to kids of All ages.
I am glad to be able to help those who have no voices. Well now they do thru the hard work of all the volunteers it takes to make these charity events run smoothly and find homes for dogs rescued.

Off to the studio  - working on Border Collie paintings and wildlife porcelain plates - cool!

Bat Night Magic - reverse glass painting
Oh, the reception at Tohono Chul for the Pollinator's Exhibit is tonight and as one of the participating artists I will be there to answer all questions regarding reverse glass painting and my work. What is reverse glass painting? How is it done? How long have I been an artist?
Look forward to seeing familiar faces there - meeting new ones "~)  It's not easy for me to get out of the studio and speak to lots of strangers, but I know the more I do this, the more comfortable it will get.

I "Heart" Cookies

Today I went to my friend Carol's house and as usual fell through the time worm hole. No matter my intentions on time management, as soon as I step through her front door Fwwwwp **Zap*'! hours pass like minutes. 

I had contacted Carol about painting on porcelain plates since she is a ceramic guru. Inspired by artwork I had seen on Etsy, I wanted to do a few plates as a complement to my cookies. Cookies on a plate with possible mug for a 'cookies and milk' offering that I will list in special section.
It was very experimental and fun. She is such good hostess, with lots of very cool, exotic teas. I had an ice tea of lemon, berry and something else. It was delicious!

Oil painting is a medium I have not tried until today. No reason, just never got around to it. This plate was done with ceramic oil paints so until it is fired, it never dries. I came home with two more plates to play with and the materials to do them with - wow! The cool part is since my paintings are fired, they will be dishwasher safe - unlike some of the artists who use paints that are not permanent or dishwasher safe. 

Tomorrow after my meeting I will do the other two plates and order some materials.  Since animals are my strong suite I will do more of my animals eating - Cookies'! Also some with quotes I like. I am already excited because these are more cost effective than my beloved mosaics and super fun. I want to keep them simple, black and white with a punch of color. I can already see raccoons, birds, otters, panda, dogs. Maybe even a mermaid or other fantasy since I love fantasy and the magical.

Meanwhile isn't this a cute Panda cookie plate?! Stay tuned for new works in art, cookies and life.

Purple Rain

Storm Ahead

Lightning Show in Tucson

July and August is monsoon season in southern Arizona with dark indigo purple thunder clouds and lightning forming almost every afternoon. Thunder rumbling, brilliant flashes of lightning, then powerful torrential downpours that can flood areas in minutes, at times causing flash floods that have stranded many a motorist who insist on driving through.

Sometimes it's a big buildup and then just enough rain sprinkles the ground to make the pavement steam - a rain teaser.

Other afternoons, like last week it comes down so heavy and hard that the parked cars outside of the supermarket (where I was stranded) are barely visible in the grey curtain of heavy downpour. But typical monsoon style, it ended after about 10 minutes of fascinated observation by everyone who decided to wait it out inside and respectfully watch the storm.
Like many, I had decided to wait out the violent, heavy downpour with the winds whipping the rain sideways. Of course there are always the brave souls who walk in (or out) soaked, squishing onto the soggy token carpet at the entry. 

Observers, like myself, burst out laughing at one lady who squished in, drenched, raccoon eyed from melted make up, with her straw hat clinging limply to her head and announcing "it's only water, you won't melt!".  It was one of those memorable Gary Larson, The Far Side moments.

O.k., so she doesn't mind squelching through the store in puddles and soaking the seat of her car when she leaves, (she wasn't going to let a little rain stop her) but the rest of us did mind and were willing to wait out the 10 minutes or so, taking the opportunity to chat with each other as we watched the parking lot fill with water, the shopping carts getting pushed around by the wind and torrents of rain. When it slowed to a light sprinkle, we all splashed to our cars. Soaked shoes, mild wet, o.k. - soaked clothes in high wind and sideways rain - no thanks (given the choice...). 

Short, heavy outbursts laced with spectacular lightning shows are what the monsoons are about - then the sweet, clean, cooler air, birds chirping, and often spectacular sunsets. 

One birdie wasn't chirping though - the one I found on my driveway when I returned. Poor thing had been blown out of the tree in the high winds and lay, feet up, in the center of the drive. I did the plastic bag shuffle, scooping it up and disposing it in the overgrown wash where it would make a meal for some critter - recycling.

No matter how many times I have seen the heavy rains/lightning, each time is new as I stare in fascinated wonder at the raw power and beauty of nature (from a sheltered place- like a car or store).

**I did not take any of the pictures in this post. They are from images under Tucson Monsoon.
What not to do when it floods

Almost Finished

Now that it's about done I discover a few things I want to change before I put the mosaic tape. Once the tape is laid on there is no going back.
It is a one time deal.
There are a few things I have learned the hard way for next time.
Can't wait to see this done - it will be beautiful!

For Riley, Sweet Goldi Girl

LuckyDog Sugar Cookie Gift Box

I am donating this Lucky Dog sugar cookie gift box for a silent auction for the National Mill Dog Rescue. I am glad I can help . It made me think of personal dog experiences. These are my stories I shared with Rebecca and will share with you because they still haunt me:

There is a lady out by my friends house that has moved and left her 3 dogs behind in an enclosed chain link type area. It has been a few weeks now.
Someone comes by to feed and water them and they have access to shelter (a doggy door I think) but other than that they are alone - a pack of three.
No point calling the human society - they have food, shelter, water and would be worse off in the overcrowded shelters - would stand less of chance. But it's hard to watch them wait, wait, watch the end of the road - waiting for someone to come home. The expectation in the three faces clearly asks Where did she go? When will she be coming back for every day again?

Similar situation in CA few years ago for my dad's neighbor who had a goldi named Riley who was completely isolated in the back yard. My dad used to go make sure she had fresh water since they would just fill a bucket every few days. Ants would get in her food and dad would get her fresh food, give her treats, love. Riley was almost never allowed in the house even when the frosts and freezing came.
When the fires came and all the houses were burning down nearby many home owners were advised to leave. Riley's owner left - and left Riley behind. My parents did not leave, but they were packed up, ready and dad was ready to take Riley too. He was not going to leave her to the fires.

Today I still refuse to speak to this lady. Riley passed away this Jan.. They say Riley died of a seizure. I know she died of loneliness.

Wishing Everyone A Safe Wonderful Independence Day
Fireworks, great food, friends and family - that's how many will be celebrating our Independence Day. I hope it will also be a time to be truly grateful that we live in a country that gives us so much freedom to realize our dreams.

People from many countries still have the perspective that if they can only get to this wonderful country their fortunes will be made. Depending on where they are coming from, that could be true because the things we take for granted like running water, electricity, sewers, paved roads - these are luxuries in some parts of the world. The freedom to travel wherever we want without having to get on a wait list to leave our own country, or how almost everyone has their own car.

So many things, large and small that one can really appreciate if given the opportunity to travel outside our great nation.
Enjoy, reflect, and do a lot of Oooohs and Aaahs as blue, green, red, purple, and gold sparklies rain from the skies with big crackling booms and pops.

*****Oh, please, please keep your pets secured and safe during the evening celebrations since the fireworks freak out almost every dog, cat, horse. ****