O.k. I am so addicted to the whole Flickr mosaic artist sites and connecting with other artists! That's what comes of too much studio time. It has been such a blast looking and getting jazzed by all the different styles, colors, projects etc. that I am designing Right Now!
Here is teeny, tiny sample. The first is a heart by Lin Schorr for a community mosaic project and the second is by Lori Desormeaux called Latte Heart Valentine. The links enclosed will take you to a favorite blog that features these mosaics on the first and second pages plus Lin's site. I liked Lin's community mosaics with their themes and now I want to do one too. I posted all of my work and links and got a lot of response :~) The combination of the glass painting and mosaic is not mainstream, so people are asking how I do it. Will post some progress picks soon.
Beautiful mosiacs Sue! Love the heart. How long did that take to do and what is the size? Lesley
Hi Lesley, I just read your comment had edited the post. I did not do these :~( I loved these mosaics too and wanted to share with everyone. I have listed the artists and tried to put links to the sites for more eye candy!
Apologize to everyone for the misinformation!
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