My booth looked wonderful, even though it was a questionable spot at first. A Very Big Thanks to a friend who set it up for me and made it work. His opinion was that I should not have to make a purchase work - "you should get what you pay for". I was too stressed to make an issue out of it at the time. Glad he was there!
All of the mosaics glittered and the pins and postcards looked great. I took my wildlife panels at the last minute and they ended up attracting a lot of attention. I love doing them and hope all of those people who took my card commission one! The javelina and bobcat were crowd pleasers. Painting wildlife and St. Francis pieces is so satisfying!
My parents drove out from San Diego to attend my first show, then drove all the way back two days later!! I am so lucky to have them in my life. I know it cost them much effort. Again I am so very blessed and humbled.
My little kitties, postcards and pendants went very well. I painted and created from the heart what I truly love and it shines in my work. Though I love all of the pieces, some of my favorites are the hawk, bat, kit fox, and Risa pieces. The teeny St. Francis are cute, the flowers on the little kitties glows in the dark and I wear my pins every day. They are little gems in glass. I also sold the lovely Sun piece, one of my magical bats and small kitty mosaics. Let's see those calls for commissions start rolling in!
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