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The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU

What lights you up, lifts you?  Find Your Joy :)

I believe if you have the desire to want to learn how to draw, paint, use colored pencils, then you can do it. 

Often, sheer desire, the will to reach your goals, trumps talent.

Gambel's Quail Whimsy

Havng fun with this colorful little piece in colored pencil. Fanciful, bright and cheerful, this piece makes me smile when I think of these adorable birds.
Gambel's Quail, prickly pear, Variegated Fritillary butterfly.

Another colored pencil session at the Kirk Bear Canyon Library coming Saturday Feb. 13 or 20 in the early afternoon. Contact the library for more details :) Beginners and intermediate.

Gambel's Quail Whimsy - 9x12" colored pencil, Strathmore vellum paper

Little Quail & Colored Pencil Class Jan. 13

Playing with a quick little sketch.  More quail :)
The butterfly has been adjusted in Photoshop. Tracing onto heavy paper today.
The image might be available for this Wed. 13 night colored pencil class at the Kirk Bear Canyon Library.  Fun to color!

Colored Pencil Session Jan.13!

Just a few more days to register for a relaxing two hours of creative coloring! Jan. 13 from 6 pm - 8 pm at the Kirk Bear Canyon Library in Tucson.

Bring your new niftie Christmas giftie coloring books and pencils or create on one of three designs that will be provided. I'll show you how to blend colors and give a bit of info on the pencils & materials.

Oh, and the images provided for this session are copied onto thick, heavy artist quality paper, not the thin paper that most coloring books are printed on. Just saying...  :)
It's one of my pet peeves - the cheap paper most of the adult books are printed on. They bleed, are not acid free, usually too smooth for pencils.

I always think that if you're using good materials you will be much happier with the results. Rich colors come from paint/pencils that are made with more pigment, are more lightfast (fade resistant) hence the cost. Good paper will not bleed as much or at all and is worthy of your efforts.

 Here are some supplies I use and recommend for students:

• Faber Castell Polychromos, Koh-I-Noor Polychromos, or Prismacolor Colored pencils sets. (note: while Prismacolor are acceptable for class, it's not a brand I recommend as much due to the quality control issues with the pencils)

• Mona Lisa oderless paint thinner (and a container to hold it in, like a glass baby food jar)

• Synthetic brushes for blending with the paint thinner. Filbert or straight edge

• Pencil sharpners. Electric or hand held

• Kneaded eraser, clear tape, eraser stick (Derwent pencil eraser)

• Tape for securing your art to your clipboard. Masking or low tack tape

• Heavyweight art paper in medium or smooth or vellum. Strathmore Bristol 100 lb. is an inexpensive paper sold in pads at many art stores

• Clipboard to tape your work to. A size larger than your artwork to tape it to
• Dusting brush to remove dust

For nice coloring experiences I recommend copying the image onto decent artist quality paper like a Strathmore Bristol Vellum 100 lb.  It comes in a pad of 20 sheets or so in several sizes.
Yes, the copiers can handle the heavy paper - up to 140 lb. for most - just feed it through the bypass side and do a test with card stock first.

The materials listed above can be found at these stores:
*(note: the first three offer 40% online coupon off 1 item)
• Michaels
• Aaron Bros
• Hobby Lobby
• Sarnoffs (Tucson local art store)
• Posners (Tucson art store)
• Arizona Art Supply (Tucson art store)
• Dick Blick online ordering

Let's Color!

De-stress after the holidays.
This is an informal, Free mini class where you can play with colored pencils, learn a few blending tips. Coloring is such a relaxing, therapeutic activity - a big reason for the explosion of adult coloring books that are found Everywhere.

Bring your own colored pencils. A set of 24 is recommended. Get a good brand such as: Derwent, Faber-Castell. Prismacolor is also common.
Places to get your pencils: Michaels, Arizona Art Supply, Sarnoffs. Dick Blick for online order. Register with the Kirk Bear Canyon Library in Tucson, limit 10 people.

Sweet Little Arizona Gambel's Quail

These charming beautiful little birds are seen just about everywhere in Tucson.  I love watching them as they softly talk to each other while feeding. The round fluffy babies are adorable.

The call of the male Gambel's Quail is distinctive and pretty cool. To me it kind of sounds like haHA.
In the spring the male can be heard and seen calling.
I put an AZ colored ribbon on this study with a tiny copper star on the front.

A sincere thank you to Rob Boone Photography for letting me use one of his wonderful photos.

The Original Tweet

I think I changed my mind about this piece at least three times.  Each time did not feel quite "it" and I held off putting it on the tile.
Instead, it is finally installed in a frame that can be used as decorative functional art with an optional addition of hooks for keys, scarves, leashes etc.

Available at SueBetanzos.com

Libraries are the coolest places

Yes! I can spend hours in libraries and bookstores - they have always been some of my favorite hangouts. I buy the really good books to read again, just so I can revisit them, like an old friend. 
Some good book related stuff and quotes can be found on my Pinterest board HERE.

This image is from a recent post on my facebook from another book lover, Kate Titus. Lots of comments from fellow book lovers that are versions of "I love my library!" and "I love books!" Lots of people use libraries - :)
(and I don't know why the type background is weirding out - apologies!).

I love my local library, Pima County Library.
It's nice to cruise the shelves for favorite authors or new finds. Often, a title or cover will catch my eye. Audio books are what I use to paint by - every artwork has a story! (more about that in another post).

There is a book that I came across called The World's Most Beautiful Libraries. 
It was filled with magnificent buildings that housed amazing collections, filled with murals, artworks and more. 

Happy Clients Make My Heart Glow ♥

It's part of the Why I like to make art. Understanding that art brings positive, happy vibes and happy people attract happiness and love.
Enhancing a person's space and life with art that is meaningful for them brings a smile that stays all day. Makes others smile back too!

Commission your own dog, animal or personal artwork at SueBetanzos.com
You are so very welcome Laurie, Susan W., Susan E., May, Patti, Sue, Nancy, and so many more I can't list. Thank you all for the opportunities to collaborate on your lovely special projects and for the wonderful, Beautiful letters ♥

My little Ruby Gem, sold

The other day a mosaic I especially liked sold at a gallery I have exhibited at since 2006 or so, Tohono Chul.
The partnership has been a nice collaboration. The gallery and I make money, get exposure, so it's a win win for both parties.
Tohono Chul and I have supported each other over the years, it's such a pretty little oasis with a lovely & tasty cafe, nature walks, galleries and classes.

I highly recommend breakfast or early lunch at the outside bistro where birds often come very close. A beautiful cardinal once perched on the chair next to mine and I was so fascinated I couldn't eat. No camera, no sketch pad that day!   Just my eyes and the unforgettable memory.

Ruby Throated Gem is a special mosaic, created with much thought and affection for the subject. The frame is hand made by a friend too - I will miss this piece and have to make another.

Hummingbirds are so charismatic, they capture the fleeting beauty of the natural world. There is a magical quality to their shimmering appearance as they hover near while feeding or sometimes just checking you out. - fearless.

How to under paint mosaics

This technique is for glass mosaics.  Stained glass, semi-translucent glass and clear glass. Underpainting gives richness and depth to the glass.
Some are not grouted. The grout can be more disruptive than enhancing unless hand tinted.

I get my glass from local Expressions Art Glass. They have a good selection, nice store and warm glass supplies too. They are the oldest glass suppliers in this area.

The Ruby Throated Gem is at Tohono Chul as part of their Take Flight Birds In Art Exhibit. The show is Nov. 13 - Feb. 14 in Tucson, AZ. There are some amazing artworks to view.

How to paint a Starry Barn Owl

I love star gazing and found a wonderful photo on The Owl Pages that I was kindly given permission to use. It was an instant inspiration for the painting. Barn Owls are so lovely!
A good read is Wesley the Owl . Another is The Bluebird Effect. Great rescue stories that really get into the personalities and intelligence of the wild birds.
Animal stories, fantasy, and folklore were some of my very favorite reads growing up - still are :)

Starry Owl

Getting started on another owl.
Starry owl in a night sky filled with glittering stars!
Away from light pollution, the Milky Way is beautiful to behold and puts life in perspective.

Pre-dawn sky.

My Morning Walks

Every dawn is an opportunity for new experiences and choices.
I like finding the little pieces of nature. Feathers are the most common prizes along with sightings of amazing birds or scenes.

Inspiration for the Monarch Butterfly came from the subject of migration. It is truly amazing that these powerful fliers travel from the USA to Mexico for the winter. Now all Mexico has to do is keep the forest from being nibbled away, cut down...

Monarch Butterfly Mosaic on Stone 
On this mosaic I redid the antennae - used epoxy instead for a cleaner look :)

Books, Snacks, Wine, Rainy Day

This little mosaic Ruby Throated Gem is part of a day three of the invitation art challenge.

Took the weekend off from cyber and studio. Had the guilty pleasure of just reading - hanging out with a new author/read and taking a micro vacay into the urban fantasy world of Patricia Briggs :)

I'm sure my version of heaven will include a giant library loaded with my favorite authors, genres, snack/wine/coffee bar and BFF Risa (of course)!
All in a nature type environment filled with birds, running stream, waterfall etc. - why not?

Except the wood frame, the hummingbird mosaic is suitable for outdoor or moisture.
Stained glass, mirror, chain -  un-grouted, adhered with Lexel silicon on wedi board.