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Dia De Los Muertos

Today I am building an altar at Tohono Chul Park for their Dia De Los Muertos celebration. This is my first time doing a public altar offrenda and I feel a little anxious. I have been asked to do an artist altar and I am going to do a more personal one because that is what feels right.

So many details, little things my abuelita liked. Her favorite color - Pink. Favorite food, drink, music, photos. Things that are about a celebration of her life. I wanted to bring my original glass painting of the Virgin De Gualelupe since she was very devoted to prayer and the Virgin, but fearing breakage I made a quick poster thru Costco and will mount that instead.
The painting would be magical, but one bump on the table would be the end so poster and some silver stars instead!

What if the other alters are these major works of art? And here I am with my homemade altar...
Well whatever happens, by this time tomorrow it will all be a memory. Better get to it - how I wish my family were here so we could do this together. I'm off to shop for: pink carnations/flowers, photo pick up, candles, vase, pink table cloth, tostadas, conchitas, poster board and more.
The poster I will use instead of the original painting. Recordar Es Vivir

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